Thursday, July 12, 2007


How Works DreamClix?

Every day,of course if there're going to be advertisers, you will have the opportunity to earn a commission to view our current ads listed in your account.
Every single click will increase your account balance.
Most Ads will be rewarded up to
0.01$; every ad will become active again after 24 hours, of course if it didn't already expired.
Moreover, as we disclosed, you will get paid
40% for each website your first referral view.

How do we cover costs with the current prices of advertising packages?

First of all Dreamclix is still at the beginning stage and has to find clients as well advertisers. Prices cover the total amount of clicks, 40% of referral earnings on every click, a profit margin of 20% of which half to pay hosting maintenance, advertising costs, paypal fees, 5% into a reserve fund and the rest(5%) will be our income.

Who and Why should you advertise here?

We realize that building a website is not as technical as it has been in the past, so much so that hundred of new ones are launching every day.
However most of them forget the importance of advertising. Of course, most of you don't have a penny or believe that is useless investing to get more webtraffic and recruiting new clients.
Most of who is reading this short introduction is a regular member of GPT (GetPaidTo) Systems like Paid to Read,Surf,Signup,Click websites or High Yield Investment Programs.

I'm sure that you have one of these website or you are intend to try to open a GPT website and trying
to get new members.
Also I'm sure You are joining a lot of them and trying
to get more referrals.
So our advertising packages area adviced
for wesbite owners or even for members that have a referral link to promote.

But our advertising system is not limited to this type of sites.
We accept all sort of sites except illegal and adult content sites.We have a dedicated section for E-commerce Sites,Health & Recreation, Arts & Entertainment. Every time you will submit a new site's category we will add it to our "Click Ads" page. In Fact, when you will order your advertising package you will have to choose "Other" as category if you don't find the right one for your site. Once your site will be accepted we will choose a new and related category for you.

Now, I want that you compare our advertising prices with other websites.What conclusions did you draw?

...Tu sum up...

Earn Up to 0.01$ per click
1 Referral Tier - 40% of his website views
5.00$ Minimum Cashout
E-gold - Paypal Accepted
No-Stop Payments